Thursday 14 May 2009

Whitespace and Case-Sensitivity

Like all PHP programs, the examples in this section consist of a series of statements, each of which end with a semicolon. You can put multiple PHP statements on the same line of a program as long as they are separated with a semicolon. You can put as many blank lines between statements as you want. The PHP interpreter ignores them. The semicolon tells the interpreter that one statement is over and another is about to begin. No whitespace at all or lots and lots of whitespace between statements doesn't affect the program's execution. (Whitespace is programmer-speak for blank-looking characters such as space, tab, and newline.)
In practice, it's good style to put one statement on a line and to put blank lines between statements only when it improves the readability of your source code. The spacing in Examples Example 1-9 and Example 1-10 is bad. Instead, format your code as in Example 1-11.

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